Coaching applications are being accepted for the upcoming season. You must apply to coach in the La Plata Blue Knights (LPBK) organization. The LPBK Coach's Application, Coaches Code of Conduct and Background Check, must be completed by June 30th and sent to the Commissioner. All Coach's Applications received by the Commissioner will then be sent to the football committee for review and validation. After review and validation the football committee will select and approve the Head Coaches and send all other Applications to the Head Coaches for selection of Assistant Coaches. All Assistant Coaches selected by the Head Coaches will be sent back to the Commissioner for approval by the football committee.
USA FOOTBALL & NYSCA COACH'S TEST: All approved Football Coaches must take the online USA Football certification or the National Alliance for Youth Sports certification. This test may be taken as many times as needed to pass. Please notify the Commissioner after you have passed the Test. Please provide proof of certificate via email to the Commissioner. Please email or call the Commissioner with any questions you may have.
- As Coaches, we'd like to recommend that parents keep in mind a few things that will help our players prepare themselves for their football games this season.
- Get a good night's sleep - Nothing puts more of a damper on a player's performance and intensity than having a sleepover with friends the night before a game!
- Drink plenty of fluids the night before and morning of a game - Muscle cramping is 100% avoidable if you hydrate and stretch out properly.
- Review your plays - Know what your position is supposed to do. If you need a copy of a playbook or selected plays, ask your Coach.
- Eat a healthy breakfast - Pop Tarts and a Mountain Dew won't "dew" it for you in the fourth quarter.
- Pads and belts - Put your pads in your girdle or game pants and your belt in your game pants the night before when you're not rushed for time.
- Cleats - parents must provide properly fitted, "molded rubber" only cleats". "Screw-ins", metal or hard plastic cleats are illegal and will not be allowed on the field. Players with anything but molded rubber cleats will be ejected from the game by the referees and the team will be assessed a 15 yard penalty.
- Mouth piece - players must have a mouth piece in order to play; we have extras in our kits but bringing an extra molded one to the game (that Mom/Dad holds onto) is a good idea. It has to be a colored mouthpiece and not clear.
- Pre-game jitters - to be expected, especially for first year players; just let them know they are as prepared as they need to be for the game and no one (Coaches or Teammates) expects more from them than just giving their best effort.
- Managing expectations - let's be mindful of how much pressure these kids usually put on themselves and try not to add to that load. Keep in mind that 50% of the players in a game will never make a tackle or touch the football so their measure of success will be found in other ways - staying low and making a good block, getting into the opponent's backfield, or just making contact with the opponent can be success-blocks to build on.
- Lastly - Mistakes are part of the game - so is hitting. Try to do one more than the other and we'll do fine. Let's have a great start to an exciting and rewarding season!! See you on the field and thanks again for all your support!!